Hog Roast Barlborough Attending A Horse show

Hog Roast Barlborough was very excited about catering for a horse show competition. The catering manager had never attended one before and was looking forward to seeing that it was all about, especially because they had a love for horses. 

Hog Roast BarlboroughOn arrival, Hog Roast Barlborough had to ensure that they followed the rules on site so that they did not scare any of the horses or make any distractions for the competition. Getting access to water and power was made a challenge because both was situated in the competition building so the catering manager had to wait for the opportunity to go inside and get them between the different contestants and competitions. It was sorted eventually and had given the catering manager a chance to watch the horses in actions which was mesmerising! 

Knowing that lockdown was imminent, Katie had arranged the food as a final hoorah before they all went their separate ways until the end of restrictions. She had chosen Hog Roast Barlborough’s ‘Southern menu’ which provides a wide-range of options so that everyone would have something that took their fancy. 

At the 4pm serve, the competitors and their spectators dived in to the delicious spread. They could have the mouth-watering BBQ pulled pork, the melt-in-the-mouth minted lamb or juicy and nicely spiced Cajun chicken. Homemade and completely delicious Mac and cheese, buttered corn cobettes, fluffy sweet potato fries and fresh Greek salad were side dishes to the tender meats. All 60 guests completely indulged in the food and all came up for seconds since the conception had left them feeling extremely peckish (and because the food was to die for!). 

At the end, Katie let the catering manager and his team meet some of the horses and their riders from the competition. It was amazing to see how they plait the horse’s tails and manes; they are such fascinating creatures and the catering manager felt lucky to have had this experience. Hog Roast Barlborough definitely doesn’t have a boring or dull job with experiences like these!

Katie gave her thanks and was looking forward to working with Hog Roast Barlborough with future events.